Annual Trips

International Excursions

NASA – A group of students from the Presidency School,  Ajmer visited the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) facilities in the US as part of a special international educational trip. 

The students took part in a three-day space training programme at the Kennedy Space Centre in Orlando where they attended a space trek rocketry workshop and learned the fundamentals of rocket design, theoretical and experimental data collection, and data analysis.

They also had an interactive session and lunch with Astronaut name ……. who is a veteran of space missions aboard the Space Shuttle. He shared his thrilling experience in space.

The team also visited prominent places like New York, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Universal Studios, Disney World, etc.

National Excursion

An event in which school children journey to a separate location to their normal learning environment under the authority of the staff of their school and with the purpose of learning by experience.A trip gives students the chance to experience new venues. Students are taken to see historical artefacts, underwater ecosystems at an aquarium on field trips, Planetariums, trekking & camping experiences, places of significance for the Indian diaspora. travel also taps into the skills needed for public speaking, professional communication, presentations, Environment conservation and group dynamics enhancement, Each experience solidifies learning and supports key academic theories.

The students took part in a three-day space training programme at the Kennedy Space Centre in Orlando where they attended a space trek rocketry workshop and learned the fundamentals of rocket design, theoretical and experimental data collection, and data analysis.

They also had an interactive session and lunch with Astronaut name ……. who is a veteran of space missions aboard the Space Shuttle. He shared his thrilling experience in space.

The team also visited prominent places like New York, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Universal Studios, Disney World, etc.

Presidency School Ajmer