All Round Security
The presidency School security encompasses all measures taken to combat threats to people and property in education environments.One term connected to school security is school safety.In the new wave of technology, cyber-security has also become a concern as we try to balance advancement in students’ technological skills with the possibilities for misuse of borrowed devices and breeches in school servers.Student and faculty ID cards and/or badges are a possible way of improving school security. They allow school authorities to know immediately that the people carrying or wearing ID belong there.Student ID cards can help monitor student location. Identification badges for visitors to schools can alleviate confusion about who someone unfamiliar is, and school authorities will easily be able to determine where the visitor is authorized to go. These visitor badges can also be a way to conduct background checks before the visitor enters a school campus.Biometrics in schools refers to the use of biometric data such as fingerprints and facial recognition to identify faculty members. This may be for daily transactions in the library or canteen or for monitoring absenteeism and behavior control.