Presidency School


Sexual Harassment of Women at WorkplaceAct, 2013


Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually defined behavior that can range from the misbehavior of an irritating nature to the most serious forms such as sexual abuse and assault, including rape.


The Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 defines sexual harassment to include any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:


Physical contact and advances

A demand or request for sexual favor

Making sexually colored remarks

Showing pornography

Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment at the workplace is any unwelcome sexually defined behavior that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, abusive, or offensive working environment.

Child Protection Policy


The Constitution of India guarantees several rights to children and enables the State to make provisions to ensure that the tender age of children is not abused. Child Abuse was and continues to be, one of the most heinous crimes designed and perpetuated by human beings against some of the most vulnerable and defenseless sections of the community. Globally, it has been recognized and seen as a particularly burdensome challenge. According to the World Health Organization, “Child maltreatment, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect, includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that result in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity. Within this broad definition, five subtypes can be distinguished – physical abuse; sexual abuse; neglect and negligent treatment; emotional abuse; and exploitation”.


Types Of Abuse


Physical Abuse: Includes hitting, kicking, punching, biting, burning, shaking, drowning, smothering, and giving drugs or alcohol (includes corporal punishment)


  • Possible Symptoms:


Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, fractures, welts, burns or cuts

Depression and anxiety and/or aggression and violence.

Problems with relationships and socializing / distant and withdrawn.

Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as a coat on warm days.

Running away

Sleeps in Class /appears drowsy

Emotional Abuse: Includes threats, humiliation, sarcasm, degrading punishments, undermining confidence


  • Possible Symptoms:


Possible delayed physical, emotional, and mental development.

Being unable to play or socialize well with others

Fearful of making mistakes


Sudden speech disorders or neurotic behaviour such as rocking

Low self-esteem/confidence

Crying inconsolably


Sexual Abuse: Includes kissing, touching genitals or breasts, vaginal or anal intercourse, oral sex, and encouraging to look at pornography, trading grades for sexual favors.


  • Possible Symptoms:


Aggressive behavior, risk-taking, and missing school or running away.

Sleep problems and bed-wetting or soiling.

Negative thoughts / not looking after themselves / low self-esteem

Displaying sexually inappropriate behavior

Anal or vaginal soreness

Unexplained bleeding from private parts.


Substance Abuse: Includes intake of Psychoactive /alcoholic /narcotic substance /tobacco or engage in buying or selling of any above-mentioned substance.


  • Possible Symptoms:


Aggressive behavior, risk-taking, missing school.


Low self-esteem/ confidence

Unable to socialize well with others

Daydreaming, lethargic


Neglect: Includes lack of food, medical attention, supervision, clothing, etc.


Possible Symptoms:


Delayed development

Poor hygiene, unwashed clothes, or inadequate clothes

Untreated medical conditions

Being hungry or tired all the time

Missing school or difficulties with schoolwork

Poor self-esteem

Withdrawn and difficulty making friends and/or anti-social behavior

Teacher’s Role

Be familiar with your school’s child protection policy, and procedure and know who is the child protection lead in your department. Ensure the students are also aware of reporting the abuse.


  • Listen to the child, and reassure them that they have been brave but do not investigate.
  • Explain to the child that you have to talk to the child protection lead as you need to see what can be done. Explain that you will only speak to people who need to know.
  • Act immediately and report to the child protection lead so an assessment of risk can take place. Any delay could leave the child in danger.
  • Keep records of all conversations and actions taken.
  • Be transparent with the child so that he/she can be involved at each stage.


  • Pass on all concerns to the child protection lead in your department. No matter how small.
  • Keep records of any concerns.

General Do’s:
Be vigilant at all times, in case of a disclosure follow the given instructions:

  • Immediately tell the child that you believe in him/her.
  • Keep your own body language calm and composed.
  • Use the language in which the child is comfortable.
  • Acknowledge it is difficult to talk about such things.
  • Tell the child this happens to other children also and that he/she is not the only one.
  • Tell him/her that he/she is not responsible for what happened and did not deserve it.
  • Tell him/her that sometimes adults do things that are not OK (avoid saying that the offender is “sick”).
  • Everything you can to support, comfort, and reassure the child.
  • Explain to the child that the teacher needs to share the disclosure with the concerned authorities for the benefit of the child.
  • Make notes of facts of the disclosure after the child has left and fill the Child Protection Form.

General Don’ts
In case of a disclosure follow the given instructions:

  • Do not investigate, JUST LISTEN.
  • Do not make the child repeat with the disclosure.
  • Do not make notes or do recordings in front of the child.
  • Do not confess in writing.
  • Do not make false promises.
  • Do not share the incident with people who do not need to know about it.
  • Do not delay reporting the incident to the authorities/departmental heads beyond 24 hours.

Aspects Of Child Protection

A child needs protection from people with unhealthy attitudes present in the School campus. These include other School students, administrators, teachers,s and rest of the School staff (i.e., cleaning agency workers, office staff, security workers, etc). Child protection can be ensured through appropriate action against bullying; corporal punishment; any sort of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, and indiscipline, violence, or substance abuse. Therefore, Child protection policy includes sub-policies namely-

  • Anti-Corporal Punishment Policy
  • Anti Bullying Policy
  • School Discipline and Substance Abuse Policy

# Anti-Corporal Punishment Policy

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE, 2009), clearly states that no child shall be subject to “physical punishment or mental harassment” in schools. Those officials that contravene this provision shall be liable for disciplinary action under service rules applicable to them.

It is not easy to define corporal punishment as it involves humiliation and insult which a child feels as a subject. Considering the millions of ways in which punishment is perpetrated on children in contemporary times, it is impossible to exhaust all the forms of insinuations and violence. However, the following behaviour has been categorically put under Anti corporal policy of the school.

Physical punishment is understood as any action that causes pain, hurt/injury and discomfort to a child, however light. Examples of physical punishment include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Causing physical harm to children by hitting, kicking, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling the hair, boxing ears, smacking, slapping, and spanking or with any implement (cane, stick, shoe, chalk, dusters, belt, whip, giving electric shock etc.)
  • Making children assume an uncomfortable position (standing on bench, standing against the wall in a chair-like position, standing with a school bag on head, holding ears through legs, kneeling, etc.)
  • Forced ingestion of anything (for example: washing soap, mud, chalk, hot spices etc.)
  • Detention in the classroom, library, toilet, or any closed space in the school.

Mental harassment is understood as any non-physical treatment that is detrimental to the academic and psychological well-being of a child. It includes but is not restricted to the following:

  • Sarcasm that hurts or lowers the child’s dignity; Calling names and scolding using humiliating adjectives, intimidation;
  • Using derogatory remarks for the child, including pinning slogans;
  • Ridiculing the child about his/her background or status parental occupation or caste;
  • Ridiculing the child about his/her health status or that of the family – especially HIV/AIDS Sand tuberculosis;
  • Belittling a child in the classroom due to his/her inability to meet the teacher’s expectations of academic achievement;
  • Punishing or disciplining a child, not recognizing that most children who perform poorly in academics are children with special needs. Such children could have conditions like learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mild developmental delay, etc.
  • Using punitive measures to correct a child and even labeling him/her as difficult; such as a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who may not only fare poorly in academics but also pose a problem in the management of classroom behaviors;
  • ‘Shaming’ the child to motivate the child to improve his performance and
  • Ridiculing a child with developmental problems such as learning difficulty or a speech disorder, such as stammering or speech articulation disorder.

Discrimination is understood as prejudiced views and behavior towards any child because of her/his caste/gender, occupation ,or region and non-payment of fees or for being a student admitted under the 25% reservation to disadvantaged groups or weaker sections of society under the RTE, 2009. It can be latent; manifest; open or subtle. It includes but is not restricted to the following:

  • Bringing social attitudes and prejudices of the community into the school by using belittling remarks against a specific social group gender or ability/disability;
  • Assigning different duties and seating in schools based on caste, community, or gender prejudices, for example, cleaning of toilets assigned by caste;the  task of making tea assigned by gender); admission through 25% reserved seats under the RTE; or non-payment of any prescribed fees;
  • Commenting on academic ability based on caste or community prejudices and
  • Denying a facility like library books, uniforms or sports facilities to a child or group of children based on caste, community, religion, or gender.

Code Of Conduct

The behavior of staff and employees will be considered inappropriate/offensive if it involves:

  • Hitting or otherwise physically assaulting a child.
  • Use of language that will mentally or emotionally abuse the child.
  • Act in any way that intends to embarrass, shame, humiliate, or degrade a child.
  • Showing discrimination of race, culture, age, gender, disability, religion, sexuality,
  • Political persuasion or any other status.
  • Developing a sexual relationship with a child.
  • Kissing, hugging, fondling, rubbing, or touching a child in an inappropriate or culturally insensitive way.
  • Initiating physical contact unless initiated by the child (e.g. holding hands).
  • Suggesting inappropriate behavior or relations of any kind.
  • Allowing children to engage in sexually provocative games with each other.
  • Stand aside when they see inappropriate actions inflicted by children on other children because it is frequent.

Action To Be Taken By Teachers

As teachers, if one is concerned that one of the children has any signs of abuse it is vital to report to the Principal who will keep a written record of any factual statement of concern regarding the child.
Child Protection Is Also About Your Protection So Please Remember That You Are To Only Report The Incident And Not Take Any Action After Disclosures.

# Anti Bullying Policy

Bullying is behaviour by an individual, repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual or group. It can be in the physical, verbal, emotional or cyber domain. It is any act or gesture (written, verbal, graphic, or physical) that is reasonably perceived as being dehumanizing, intimidating, hostile, humiliating and threatening and likely to evoke fear of physical harm or emotional distress.

The following types of bullying behaviour are included in this non-exhaustive definition

  • Deliberate exclusion, malicious gossip and other forms of relational bullying,
  • Cyber-bullying,
  • Identity-based bullying such as homophobic bullying, racist bullying,
  • Bullying of those with disabilities or special educational needs.
  • Hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum
  • Where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people will be regarded as bullying

Bullying undermines and dilutes the quality of education. Research shows that bullying can have short and long-term effects on the physical and mental well-being of pupils, on engagement with school, on self-confidence and on the ability to pursue ambitions and interests. Therefore, the policy aims to create an environment where students can grow and flourish without fear.

An anti-bullying policy should always endeavor to complement a school’s policy on behavior and discipline. There is also a need to regularly reinforce and review the policy so that newcomers to the school understand the school’s stance on bullying and so that existing pupils and parents are reminded that bullying, in whatever form, will never be tolerated.

Policy Guidelines

  • The Head of the Institution will be responsible to determine whether an alleged act constitutes a violation of this policy.
  • The Policy prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying or harassment or cooperates in the investigation.
  • The policy prohibits any person from falsely accusing another as a means of bullying or harassment.
  • School officials will disseminate the policy annually to all school staff, students, and parents, along with a statement explaining that it applies to all applicable acts of harassment if bullying occurs on school property, at school-sponsored functions, or on a school bus.
  • Involvement of parents through regular meetings with HM/Class teacher/Counselor. The school recognizes the need to work in partnership with and keep parents informed on procedures to improve relationships on a school-wide basis.

# School Discipline Policy


“As long as you have discipline, you can be a success. Discipline is what makes you do everything you need to do.”- Anthony Joshua

Discipline is essential for effective and efficient living. In the context of education, it is fundamental for successful learning, holistic development, and overall student well-being.

Clearly defined and effective discipline policies can strengthen students’ behavioral skills by addressing the root causes of misbehavior. This fosters a culture of mutual respect and dignity for all stakeholders.

Discipline helps create a positive, inclusive, and conducive learning environment that promotes the achievement of long-term academic and behavioral goals. Consequently, students can realize their full potential and become confident, responsible, and compassionate citizens.


The discipline policy aims to:

  • Establish clear school rules and regulations.
  • Maintain uniformity, consistency, and fairness in addressing disciplinary issues.
  • Strive for zero occurrences of indiscipline.
  • Create a safe, supportive, and conducive learning environment.
  • Involve parents and other stakeholders in creating a positive school environment.

Uniform and Attire:

  • All students must wear the school uniform on the school campus during school hours.
  • The uniform must be neat and clean.
  • Nails should be kept short and clean. Nail polish and nail art are prohibited.
  • Hair should be neatly trimmed for boys. Girls with long hair must tie it neatly. Hair accessories should be simple and of blue or black color.
  • Makeup, hair gel, hair color, fancy hair accessories, other accessories, and tattoos are strictly prohibited.

Student Conduct:

  • Students must attend school regularly. Entry after 7:35 AM will not be allowed.
  • Attendance will be marked by 7:40 AM. Students absent without prior notice will be marked absent for the day.
  • Students must maintain cleanliness in the school premises.
  • Teachers, staff, and elders must be treated with respect.
  • Queries should be raised politely and courteously. Students must avoid stubborn and arrogant behavior.
  • All students must treat each other with dignity and respect.
  • Unruly behavior or use of force causing harm or injury will be dealt with seriously.

Offenses and Sanctions:

In case of misconduct, disciplinary action will be taken by the class teacher, in consultation with the class coordinator, if necessary. Depending on the severity of the offense, the matter may be referred to the school discipline committee and the Vice Principal/Headmaster/Principal.

Nature of Misconduct and Corresponding Actions:

Sl. No.




Late coming, irregular attendance

Reminder, followed by sending the student home with a parent and marking them absent for the day.


Violation of dress code, hygiene

Reminder, followed by sending the student home with a parent and marking them absent for the day.


Electronic gadget misuse

Warning, seizure, and return to parents. In case of misuse, further action will be taken based on the severity of the offense.


Foul/indecent language, defamation, insult

Warning and written undertaking from the student and parents.


Mischief (unintentional harm)

Guidance and counseling.


Petty theft

Warning, return of stolen items, written statement, and compensation for the stolen item.


Unruly/disrespectful behavior, disobedience

Warning, guidance, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.



Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.


Substance abuse or possession of banned substances

Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.


Inappropriate relationships

Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.



Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.



Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.


Manhandling by student or parent

Warning, written statement, counseling, and written undertaking from parents.


Fighting (with or without weapons)

Depending on the severity, actions may include a warning, written statement, counseling, undertaking letter, suspension, or expulsion.


Damage to school property

A written undertaking from parents and appropriate compensation for the damage.

Export to Sheets

Any other offenses disrupting the school environment will be dealt with similarly.


  • Serious offenses or repeated offenses may result in suspension or expulsion.
  • Criminal offenses will be handled according to the law.
  • The school discipline committee for each department consists of the Principal, Chief Coordinators, members of the School Discipline Committee, Class Coordinator, and Class Teacher.


Surendra Singh Shekhawat

Head of Administration & Sports

Contact Number: 9871903190
